I believe one should be happy with what they have – I have always been happy with what I had nomater how little it was because I knew that it could always be worse even when I was a little kid I understood this because when I was little my family never had much and it makes me mad when I hear people complain about the fact that they didn’t get what they won’t for chrisms or their birthday and they act like nothing was ever good enuf I remember being little when my parents couldn’t get me anything for my birthday because they didn’t have any money but I was still happy because I knew they cared even thought they weren’t ever around but I knew why they were never around because they were trying there hardest just to keep food on the table.
I believe u should be yourself nomater what others say or think- I have always been myself nomater what kind of problems it gave me because I don’t care about being popular I just want to be myself not another sheep fallowing the crowed without a conches thought it’s just not who I am.
I believe that fear of death is pointless- there is no point in fear of death because to fear death is to fear life and if you are afraid to live u might as well already be dead so by fearing death for condemning yourself to die and that doesn’t do eny1 any good.
I believe u don’t need a perpas to live but to be alive- there are people that kill themselves because they feel they have no reason to live that’s just stupid I have had friends that tried to kill themselves because of stupid things like that and it just doesn’t make any sense to me my entire life I have always sed that nomater how pointless or out of place my life is or felt I would never let any breath I take be my last that I would fight till the end and when the end would come I would still fight every person is borne with I fire in them it’s because of that fire that I believe in this because my fire doesn’t flicker and it won’t go out.
I believe the meaning of life is to live to be alive to have a perpas- I don’t know why I think this I just do and that’s all there is to it.
I believe true wisdom can be found anywhere- I have heard many things but I find that the things that rely matter are always found in the last place u would look
I believe happiness is like glass- happiness is like glass even thought u can’t see it its definitely there and when u put it up to the light it will sparkle it’s something I heard once and I have believed in it ever sense.